Tori Amos' Boys for Pele (33 1/3) という謎の本
Tori Amos' Boys for Pele (33 1/3) という本がAmazonで"Tori Amos"というキーワードでヒットしました。発売予定は2013/5/2とのこと。一年も先の出版のようですが… ここのサイトで6/15付で「Boys for Pele: deep in the girl-zone」がエントリーされていますが、う、うーん。。 と、思ったら、Undentedサイトに随分昔の話題で出ていたみたいです。
Undented - News: Pele Gets Her Own Book March 25, 2007
Tori once described Boys for Pele as a sonic novel, and soon there will be a book based on the album. The good people at 33 1/3, who produce a series of nonfiction books that examine individual albums, will release a volume in 2008 or 2009 devoted to Boys for Pele. The author will be Elizabeth Merrick, whose past work includes her novel Girly and an anthology of short stories called This is Not Chick Lit. In the meantime, check out the full list of upcoming 33 1/3 books.